DEUXMONKEY Complete Vocals For New Album

May 10, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news deuxmonkey

Former ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz has issued the following on the DEUXMONKEY project which also features CRIMSON GLORY singer Wade Black, ACCEPT bassist Baltes and former YNGWIE MALMSTEEN drummer Patrick Johansson:

"First and foremost I would like to thank those of you have sent your love while I was in the hospital again this past week. All is well and I'm home editing the new material that Wade finished up.

We certainly have a legendary CD here in our hands. The song topics are just mind blowing! The music is by far the best I've ever written. The guitar tone is awesome and the lead guitar tone is just sick. More than 12 song completed by Wade, and some other oddities I've penned as well.

Lots of brutal riffs and of course my lead guitar work is light years above anything of the past. I've been hard at work getting to a new level of expertise in my playing these past few years since the Anthrax reunion ended. I'm actually working on Classical Guitar a lot these days as well for something special in the future. Of course my Southern Rock and Blues based memorable lead guitar stories will play a large role in DeuxMonkey. There's a bit of everything for everyone to enjoy here for sure. DeuxMonkey certainly has it's own identity. The hardest thing for me was to achieve this goal.

Wade has been a trooper! He has come through the recording process with flying colors. He's been known to completely finish two songs in a day, including learning from scratch lots of material. Un-Freakin' believable!!! His opera voice training certainly has paid off in this case. I've never witnessed anything like it. So very talented.

I'll be tying up some loose ends with Peter Baltes and off to the Mega Producer's SSL for the mixing, who I will be announcing shortly as well. We are in the best of hands for mixing anywhere on planet earth.

Again, thank you all for wonderful emails and concerns regarding my health. Tentative summer tour already planned leading into global touring. We'll let the music do the talking. Just know I'm glad to have a guitar in my hands each day and my passion for my instrument and this band is really deep. I will not stop playing and touring ever again."

Further updates to follow. More on DeuxMonkey at this location.

Black at work with Spitz

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