AGENT STEEL Gearing Up For Rehearsals With Orginal Vocalist Cyriis, South American And European Live Dates In Planning

May 18, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news agent steel

California metal veterans AGENT STEEL check in with the following update:

"Just checking in to let everyone know that we will begin rehearsals with vocalist J. Cyriis in the coming weeks here in Los Angeles. We're all very excited to fire up the engines and getting the gears turning to the Agent Steel machine! We will be revisiting the classic catalog of course, but most importantly; we look forward to begin work on new songs for future release. As some of you know we have material already written in demo format that we look forward to reworking with J. Cyriis. We also have our first working title that Cyriis has been writing lyrics to that we can reveal at this time; 'Behold...The Great Race'. We're also in the middle of confirming South American live appearances for late August, and also European exclusive shows for late October, 2010. Stay tuned."

Following is the band's original update announcing the return of Cyriis to the line-up:

"As some of you may, or may not have already heard the news that Agent Steel has parted ways with vocalist Bruce Hall. We as a band would like to acknowledge the accomplishments together with Bruce and the (3) three solid metal offerings; Omega Conspiracy, Order Of The Illuminati, and Alienigma. Together we had the fortune of touring and sharing the stage in some amazing places and visited some breathtaking countries. Bruce dedicated over a decade to Agent Steel and for this he should be recognized, and we part on good terms. We as a band still have the fire and passion to deliver the metal goods to fans from the past, present and future. We had been writing new material for the next chapter of Agent Steel, and after the news got out that we separated from Bruce; we were contacted by original singer; Cyriis. Call it destiny; call it what you will, but now the communicative channel is open between Agent Steel and vocalist Cyriis; we are in talks about an imminent Agent Steel reunion tour possibly involving summer/fall 2010 appearances and an extensive '2011' Metal-blitz. Honestly, we do not know how long this reunion will last; however this could be the long awaited destiny of Agent Steel originally interrupted, so long as everything moves forward in an evolving good working climate. Our objective regarding this Agent Steel reunion is attached with the intentions of providing the opportunity to not only the dedicated fans, but also to a whole new generation of metal fans the chance to see Agent Steel live on stage with Cyriis; the original voice on the classic Skeptics Apocalypse, Unstoppable Force, and Mad Locust Rising releases. The legacy continues...stay tuned."

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