VANISHER - New Album Release Postponed

May 20, 2010, 14 years ago

hot flashes news vanisher

North Carolina’s VANISHER (formerly ZERO SYSTEM) have issued the following update:

"OK, so we have been debating this here in the Vanisher camp for a few weeks and we have talked with the label and decided to push back the release date. Following the schedules for distribution this puts at releasing the album (The History Of Saints) September 14th.

For those of you who didn't follow us when we were the band Zero System, during the time under that name we released 2 EPs.

For the New Vanisher release we were going to re-record and release 2 songs from the first EP, and 4 from the second and then have 5 to 6 new songs. To all of you that did follow Zero System, we felt this to be a cop-out.

Why in the hell would you want to buy an album that has 6 songs on it you have already heard. Especially 2 REALLY old songs which don't really sound like us anymore.

Also to make the deadline we were having to rush the recording and it was sounding less like something of quality and more of necessity, and thats not why music needs to be written.

Now I am going to get on my soapbox for a second here.

The music industry is dying a slow and painful death. The giant is on it's knees and is bleeding slowly each and every day.

Record sales continue to drop and for those of you who actually follow legitimate metal online trades, you will see article after article of how grim things are.

Now as depressing as this may look, from every dead rotting thing which is committed to the earth, the ground in which it nourishes always springs forth new life. This might not be the exact same entity in which had passed but life continues.

Now what I am saying has been reiterated for the last 10 years or more but I use it as a lead in to how we all feel about what we are doing and I ask other bands the same question.

Now as great as it is to make performing and selling music and music related products as your career, is that why you are doing this?

Do you do this because you want to get "big"? What is that anyway?

Lets look at this, band A wants to be as big as band B, then band B wants to be as big as band C and band C wants to be as big as Muse, Muse probably wants to be as big as U2, U2 wants to be as big as The Beatles, and well The Beatles wanted to be as big as Jesus... right?

Where the hell does it stop?

At this crossroads, you need to realize that to find true happiness in music, you need to love what you're doing. You need to believe in your message and your content.

Now in this if success comes, I'm not saying reject it, but also don't let it make you forget what should be driving you. The music.

Getting back on track, we will be writing 2 more songs to replace the 2 really old ones we were going to release and also will be giving some serious overhauls to the 4 second EP songs because we have several things that we wanted to do that never saw the light of day.

I know this was a long winded post, but I really want to drive the point home that the purpose of being in a band is not how many MySpace plays you can get, how much merch you can sell, how many tickets you can push how many albums you can release in 5 years.

You need to undertand what you're doing, have a purpose and write honest music. The money fame and fortune can come as a result of this if you work hard, maybe. If it dosen't, at least you will know that what you were doing was what you loved, what you respected and the years and years you spent working at it were not a total waste because while you were doing it you were enjoying every second of it.

Also we will be releasing another new song today, keep your eyes peeled."

More on Vanisher at this location.

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