HELIX Frontman Brian Vollmer Featured In Two Hour Special Rock You - Canadian Radio

June 27, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard helix

Vocalist Brian Vollmer, frontman for Canadian rock veterans HELIX, has checked in with the following update:

"This week I was interviewed by Al Beeber of The Lethbridge Herald for a story on how it’s so hard for classic rock acts to get played on classic rock radio. The last article Al did on us got picked up in syndication and ended up going across Canada, appearing in such newspapers as The Hamilton Spectator and The K-W Record. This was also the theme of my interview recently with John Ehms (freelance writer for Sunmedia in Timmins, Ontario and an interview with Rod Nicholson of Scene Magazine here in London. As well, CHRW (University of Western Ontario’s campus radio station) for a two hour feature on the band (see below).

Vagabond Bones continues to sell. With all the live dates coming up we’ll be encouraging fans to pick one up at the gig. We’re still running the contest where everyone who buys a Vagabond Bones at the gig or through Planet Helix.com is automatically entered to win a free autographed B.C. Rich Warlock guitar. So far we’ve given away three of them. This one will be the fourth. Each guitar is also played each night on stage, an added value in regards to having a guitar like this. Please spread the word! The CD is available at most record stores, especially HMV in Canada."

Following is the 94.9 CHRW press release for Rock You - Canadian Radio:

“…Brian Vollmer of Helix is not happy about the state of Canadian Radio relating to new music and lack of air play for Canadian Classic Rock…"

Rock You - Canadian Radio is a two hour, two part series with Brian Vollmer of Helix giving his commentary on his life of Helix for over 35 years, his opinion of the state of Canadian Commercial Radio and inside information on the life of a Heavy Metal artist in the day from which it was all created. This commentary is combined with over 75 minutes of hits dating back to the beginning, and including all his new tracks from their new album, Vagabond Bones.

Rock You – Canadian Radio will air as a two part series – one hour each, on Saturday July 10 and Saturday July 17 from 1:30pm EST to 2:30pm EST.

Vollmer: "I think that Canadian radio needs to step up to the plate - and play new material by Classic Canadian Rock artists. The stations tell me they’ll only play our song if the audience is familiar with it, but if your own hometown radio station isn’t playing you, how is the audience supposed to be familiar with it?!?!"

Tune in at this location or from our archives here for one week after airing at our archives under the time slot 1:30 - 3:30 pm EST

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