CRASHDÏET - "(When We Played Together) The Magic Was There!"

July 10, 2010, 13 years ago

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Swedish glam/sleaze rock n' rollers CRASHDÏET spoke exclusively to Rockpages about a variety of subjects including the recruitment of new singer Simoz Cruz. Here's an excerpt from the chat: Simon, how did you end up with these guys?

Simon Cruz: "We spoke actually for the first time, right after Dave (Lepard) had passed away…at the time I was in another band. I wasn’t available. So, after things didn’t work out with my previous band, I heard that Crashdiet were looking for a singer. I called Martin did the audition and then went out with him and had a couple of drinks. I got the job and everything worked out really well…the magic was there!"…and just when you thought that these guys are great, they have you killed in the first video!

Simon Cruz: (laughs)

Eric Young: "We wanted to show our appreciation (laughs)!"

Simon Cruz: "Well, it’s a tough job! Well, the concept for that first video is really a combination of various ideas…the torture, I think, shows society’s oppression on one’s life…a society that doesn’t want us to live our lives the way we really want. That led to another concept of the video, the Generation Wild concept. We have this girl who is part of the Generation Wild and tries to live out her fantasies. It’s the combination of the real with the virtual world. The Generation Wild that clashes with the rules of society." Rest In Sleaze is regarded as a milestone record for hard rock n' roll. Did you expect that it would have such an impact and what’s really the special element of that album?

Eric Young: "Of course, you don’t know what’s gonna happen with an album. We were sure that we got in our hands something special but you don’t really know how people will react to it."

Martin Sweet: "I remember that everybody in the Stockholm area thought of the songs on the album as being brilliant! Everybody liked the attitude and the sound of Rest In Sleaze."

Read the interview this location.

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