Former SCORPIONS Drummer Herman Rarebell - "I Really Wanted To Make A New Modern Version Of 'Rock You Like A Hurricane'"

July 16, 2010, 13 years ago

news scorpions rock hard

Legendary former SCORPIONS drummer Herman Rarebell spoke with Antonio Marsillo from recently about a number of topics including his new album under the HERMAN ZE GERMAN moniker called Take It As It Comes. A few excerpts from the chat follow: There’s been mixed reviews on this album from critics. More importantly though, what has been the reaction from your fans, the people that matter most, on the new album so far?

Herman Rarebell: "The reaction was really great. There were some comments about the 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' version, but I really wanted to make a new modern version of the song. Instead of having the guitar solos, I had the saxophone solo. This worked out well with my wife being such a great saxophone player. It was fun working with the family along with a great guitarist from Munich which make up a killer band for the record. Everyone in the band writes, looks and sounds great, a great band to go out and play live.:" So when you look at James Kottak, the current drummer, do you sometimes think 'man I wish he would played that roll like this, or that part different…etc.'

Herman Rarebell: "Well yes sometimes, because I created and wrote those parts on 'Wind Of Change', 'Rock You Like A Hurricance', 'Dynamite', and so on. It’s hard for him to copy exactly the way I play it, it’s my personality. It would be the same if someone would place me tomorrow in THE ROLLING STONES and ask me to copy Charlie Watts. You know what I couldn’t do it. Would still be good, as is the current drummer of the Scorpions, but would not be the original. It’s not the original and I don’t think ever anyone can copy personality. If you look at Rudolf Schenker, he plays a flying V guitar. But if I give him a Fender Stratocaster, it will still sound like a Flying V! So we come back to James Kottak, he is a very good drummer, but he has his own style, he’s not me. I think when you take an original part out of a band, something is missing, it’s normal." Have the Scorpions heard your new album?

Herman Rarebell: "I don’t know actually, I have not given it to them yet because I have not seen them since. I hope they have heard it, but I doubt as I did not hear any feedback form them. You mentioned in your audio book what your five desert island records are and you spoke about the bands that influenced you. Can you tell us about someone who has had the most influence, not only on your drumming, but on your career as a musician and a rock star?

Herman Rarebell: "For me most definitely LED ZEPPELIN. My favorite band of all time. I flipped out when I saw John Bonham for the first time in Koln, around 1971. I remember thinking to myself, 'this is the way a drummer should sound.' In my opinion, no one has topped the drumming of John Bonham. He was my biggest influence and greatest teacher. Of course my own personality came along, but when you speak about drummers you have to speak of him the same way you have to mention Buddy Rich. Keith Moon was also a great influence on me not only the way he played but also his life philosophy which brings us back to 'Take It As It Comes'. In fact I am now in Brighton, England, the town where THE WHO started in the 60s. Here you had the Mods and the Rockers and they had fist fights against each other. The Who were Mods, always dressed well, and (Keith) Moon was the looney as we all know and this is where it all happened right here!"

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