WINDS OF PLAGUE Check In From Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival

July 29, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news winds of plague

Special Report by Deb Rao

WINDS OF PLAGUE singer Johnny Plague and drummer Art Cruz have checked in with from the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival that was held in Mansfield, MA on July 27th. Winds Of Plague hail from the West Coast. What do you think about he East Coast Metal scene vs. West Coast?

Cruz: "We have obviously done more extensive touring on the West Coast. It is a little bit more home to us. But it is nice to come out and get in front of this many people that don't know us yet. Hopefully, it will start feel a lot more like home over here." What has the highlight of the tour been so far for you?

Plague: ”Montreal would have to be the highlight of the tour for us. We got moved to the main stage because of some scheduling changes. We ended up playing to like 25,000 people. It was definitely the biggest show for us. That was an experience. This whole tour has been insane." Winds Of Plague is new to the scene. You have a lot of fans here today. What do you attribute to your popularity? Do you feel that death metal is becoming more mainstream now?

Plague: "Yeah, you hear more bands getting on the radio. Now you got LAMB OF GOD in there and all these kind of heavier bands. It has open doors for the rest of us." I hear the band is going into the studio to record a new album. Tell us about the upcoming release.

Cruz: "Soon as we get done with this tour, we go into the studio in LA. Matt Hyde who has done bands like Slayer those awesome bands that we grew up on is producing. It is pretty exciting to jump in with him." How will the release differ from your previous albums?

Cruz: "It is more like the first record."

Plague: "The last one kind of took a few listens to definitely appreciate it. This one makes it more digestible on the first listen. It is a little bit more straight forward." I hear that HATEBREED's Jamey Jasta is going to appear on the upcoming release?

Plague: "Yeah, he already recorded on pre-production. He came out awesome on that. He has got an awesome sound. I am very excited. I am completely honored to have him on the record." What are your plans after this tour wraps up?

Plague:” We got two or more weeks. Today is the halfway point. Then we will be home, finish writing, and jump into the studio." Will you be returning to Boston soon?

Plague: "We are planning a US tour, a Mexico tour and UK all at the end of the year. We are staying busy." How would define your sound?

Cruz: "Epic brutality!"

Plague: "It is a mix between Hatebreed and DIMMU BORGIR. It is a good way to out it I guess." Any closing thoughts regarding the Mayhem Festival?

Plague: "I want to thank everyone who has come out to the shows and been a part of it and supported it. We totally appreciate it and couldn't be happier. I feel like the tour has done really good things for us. Today was awesome. By the halfway set it was raging."

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