Anton Reisenegger Comments On Joining INNER SANCTVM, Maryland Death Fest With LOCK UP

August 30, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news lock up inner sanctvm

INNER SANCTVM’s Anton Reisenegger (CRIMINAL, PENTAGRAM) will be performing with death grinders LOCK UP in the US, as the band has been confirmed for the Maryland Deathfest IX which is scheduled for May 27th - 29th, 2011. Reisenegger comments below:

"A few months ago, Heber (W. Hammer) contacted me with the proposal to record vocals on the new Inner Sanctvm album. I was immediately into the idea, my only concern being having to replace their old singer Pablo (Van Lagat), who I considered a friend back in the day. However, after learning that for various reasons it would be absolutely impossible for him to return to the band, I didn't have to think much further.

Back in the mid-nineties, Inner Sanctvm were one of the bands with the biggest potential in the whole South American scene. They were considered the South American CELTIC FROST. Their album Frozen Souls – which sadly remained their only full-length record until now – was already great, but seeing them live when they supported Criminal in Santiago was a true revelation. They were a fantastic live band, and a really tough act to follow!

Much like my old band Pentagram, their only problem was having been born on the wrong continent, as they didn't get the opportunities they deserved and finally disbanded. But, as they say, it's never too late. I'm really happy that they are back together, and being a part of this project fills me with pride and enthusiasm.

For now, I have agreed to record vocals for their forthcoming second album. Only time will tell if we're going to be able to play any shows together, as there is logistics and schedules to be worked out. However, I will do my utmost best to live up to this challenge.

I am at a point in my life where I want to be as creative and productive as possible, seeing that I obviously won't be able to do this forever, and this is a great new avenue for me to explore. I will treat this project with all the seriousness it deserves and try to approach it from a different angle, vocal-wise, from what I do in my other bands."

Lock Up also feature Shane Embury (NAPALM DEATH, ANNAL NATHRAKH, VENOMOUS CONCEPT), Tomas Lindberg (AT THE GATES, DISFEAR, SKITSYSTEM) and Nicholas Barker (BRUJERIA, BENEDICTION, Annal Nathrakh) have been extensively touring this year after a period of inactivity.

Included below there's a clip of Lock Up performing during the latest version Wacken Festival in Germany:

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