TRIUMPH'S Mike Levine: "If You Are An Old Band, The Fans Are Not Interested In New Music"

September 18, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard triumph

Greece's Rockpages Web Magazine conducted an exclusive interview with TRIUMPH's bassist, Mike Levine, in the wake of the band's recent release of the Greatest Hits album. Here's an excerpt where he talks about the possibility of a full-blown reunion and the recording of a brand new studio record: Some people think that the band should reunite and do some shows, like you did a couple of years ago in Sweden, and some other places…

Mike Levine: "Well, we were close to do that after the Sweden Rock Show, and Rocklahoma… we’d already started to plan a tour, and we had hockey arenas on hold in a bunch of cities in North America, and then in January of 2009 the economy looked like it wasn’t going to recover, so we just put all touring plans on hold at that point, and our coordinate advisor suggested that we also stay for this summer, because summer time is the only time you go on the road these days, in North America anyway, because they predicted it wouldn’t be very big for concerts this summer. So, if we decide to go out it will be 2011, and again IF we decide to do it, and everybody is available etc. then it will be North America, and Europe as well." Is there a chance for new songs from Triumph?

Mike Levine: "Ahhm, we will cross that bridge when we come to it, but you know we spent a lot of time apart after the band broke up, and as you may know most bands break up in the recording studio (laughs), so we don’t want that risk, plus the fact that you’re damned if you do, and damned if you don’t new music… I think unless you’ve got something absolutely spectacular, if you are an old band, -older band I should say! I hate the word old! If you have been from our era, the ‘80s, your fans are not interested in new music. They love the old music. So, if we recorded something and they’d go buy it, and very few people buy this records, from anybody from that era, then they’re going to think 'oh, they’re going to play all the new songs at a concert, and I am not going to hear half the songs that I want to hear.' They want to hear the music of their life as I call it, the music they grew up to, they got married to, they got their first blowjob to…whatever! That’s what they wanna hear, so why jam down their throats something new, just because you think you should? I don’t know, I don’t get it. What we may do, if we go on the road, maybe do a couple of songs, if we have really good material, and put them up on iTunes, or that kind of thing…"

Read the entire interview here.

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