VELVET REVOLVER To Try Out Two New Singers In Early October

September 25, 2010, 13 years ago

velvet revolver news rock hard

According to a new Twitter update from drummer Matt Sorum (ex-GUNS N' ROSES), VELVET REVOLVER will be trying out two new singers at the beginning of October. "Excited about that," says Sorum.

Earlier this month, Velvet Revolver guitarist Slash talked to the about his frontman woes. When asked about the availability of his current solo tour frontman and ALTER BRIDGE singer Myles Kennedy, the ex-Guns N' Roses guitarist responded:

“Myles is (expletive) amazing,” Slash said. “It’s very surreal how he handles the stuff he sings. I’m doing GN’R songs I’ve never done solo before, and Myles manages to own them without changing the style or trajectory of the song. Which is a fantastic (expletive) ability.”
“Velvet Revolver will be a 24-hour-a-day project and Kennedy is still committed to Alter Bridge,” he added. “I don’t want to be the guy responsible for breaking up a band. But we’ll find someone. Maybe not somebody known, but some kind of local hero.”

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