SYRACH Part Ways With Drummer Adam Suleiman

October 12, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news syrach

Norwegian doomsters SYRACH have issued the following update:

"A couple of days ago, we got an e-mail from our drummer Adam (Suleiman), telling us he is leaving us. We have been seeing this coming for some time, since he's only been in Bergen twice in one year for rehearsals.

Fair enough, since he got a great job in Oslo he have our understanding and the best of luck in the future. Hopefully he will not quit drumming, as he is FAR too good to leave his sticks on the shelf, especially since he is only 25 years old... (joke!)

So with this blog we will remember Adam as we remember him and at the same time ask all drummers out there to get in touch if you want to play some true norwegian doom!"

Check out the above mentioned blog here. Contact Syrach via the band's MySpace page.

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