GWAR's Oderus Urungus On Masked Bands - "Those Bands Are Designed To Make Money, We’re Designed To Obliterate Society"

October 14, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news gwar

The Great Southern Brainfart recently caught up with GWAR's Dave Brockie, better known by some as Oderus Urungus. An excerpt from the is available below.

Q: Back when I started listening to you guys, there weren’t many bands doing the kind of show you guys were doing. It was ALICE COOPER, KISS and GWAR. Now you have all these others doing it.

Brockie: "It’s even got its little thing now. They call them 'masked bands' or whatever. I’m surprised it’s taken as long as it has to get this many bands interested in doing our type of show. I think that one day every band will be like. I think that every band will be like GWAR, GORILLAZ or LORDI. IRON MAIDEN isn’t a masked band but they’ve got a giant monster walking around on stage doing all kinds of crazy shit. It’s really not that unique of a concept. It’s just been taken to an extreme. I’m glad that it seems that nobody has done it better than GWAR because I don’t think that anyone has."

Q: Do you ever look at these bands and feel that you paved the road for these bands?

Brockie: "Yeah sure we’re part of the revolution of all these bands over the years. Just like we were inspired by KISS and ALICE COOPER these guys were inspired by those artists and by GWAR as well. A lot of these artists today won’t admit that they’re inspired by GWAR and that’s what got me going after Lordi a little bit. Monsters fight and anytime and anytime anyone is going to go out there pretending to be a monster Oderus is going to want to kill them and that’s all there is to it. They were asking Lordi if he’d ever heard of GWAR because his stuff looks exactly like GWAR and he said, 'I’ve never heard of GWAR before.' Yeah right. Either you’re a complete ignorant idiot or you’re a liar and you’re probably both. It doesn’t really bother me Mr. Lordi and all those other bands. I see them as no competition for us because they are completely different. Those bands are designed to make money. We’re designed to obliterate society. It’s a whole different set of goals. Commercial success was never one of those goals."

Q: So I called my dad I told him I was seeing GWAR tonight and he couldn’t believe you guys are still around!

Brockie: "[laughs] It’s not this shambled monstrosity that’s a shadow of what it used to be. It’s different as there’s not as many people involved but I think GWAR’s more kick ass than ever. I get the proof of that every single night when we play these shows."

Click here for more.

BW&BK; recently received the following GWAR press release:

The two year 25th Anniversary Slay-A-Bration is showing no signs of slowing down, as your lords and masters GWAR are set to receive yet another accolade glossing their infinite greatness, this time in the form of a stunning endorsement from the academic community.

Gwar is finally being recognized by The Ivy League colleges, and is now set to receive the prestigious honor of being one of a select few to be inducted into The Harvard Lampoon.

The Harvard Lampoon is America's oldest institution of humor, operating from the Harvard campus since 1876, and boasting an elite cadre of members that include the likes of Conan O'Brian and BJ Novak, as well as many of America's top comedy writers and performers. The ceremony will take place this Saturday October 16th at the world-famous Harvard Lampoon Castle in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

The Lampoon put out an official statement on Gwar's induction: "In honor of their prodigious achievements of slaughter, brutality, conquer, mayhem, and madness, The Harvard Lampoon is delighted to present GWAR with the award of "Most Terrible, Vile, Disgusting, Disturbed, yet Revoltingly Awesome Band Ever." On October 16th the band will travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts to visit the Castle and celebrate in a private induction ceremony, banquet, and live human sacrifice in their honor."

When reached for a comment on this prestigious honor Oderus briefly laid down his crack pipe and muttered: "Me and the guys are as pleased as pig-shit to accept this near-meaningless accolade from a bunch of booze-sodden degenerates. To walk in the shoes that tread in the footsteps that tied the shoelaces that were Elijah Wood's big ass hairy hobbit feet fills me with a feeling not unlike lust but nothing like nausea. To mumble the words that were the drool that became the Jell-o that fell out of Bill Cosby's butt is the third most important thing to happen to me today. And finally, to lap at the glistening shores that is the toilet that Sarah Silverman left a dookie in is akin to having sex with Jesus's wife. We are honored, pleased, and gassy as hell as we accept this mantle-crushing award and the considerable attached cash prize...there is a cash prize, right?" will be streaming Gwar's concert on Halloween — Sunday, October 31st — live from the Rave/Eagles Club in Milwaukee.

The show will stream from 11 PM (ET) / 10 PM (CT) / 8 PM (PT) / 3 AM (GMT). Prices are as follows:

$2.99 if purchased on or before October 15th

$3.99 if purchased October 16th - 30th

$4.99 if purchased day of show, October 31st

Click here to purchase virtual ticket.

As previously reported, The Toronto Zombie Walk will be hosting its eighth annual zombie walk on Saturday, October 23rd, 2010. The walking dead will begin their 5 kill-o-meter lurch across Toronto from Trinity Bellwoods Park to Christie Pits Park at 3 PM. Pre-festivities start at 12 PM and include Henry’s Photo Booth to preserve all your undead memories, Creeped Out’s annual Blood Booth, prize give-aways to die for and a dubbing of The 2010 Toronto Zombie Walk Grand Marshal, Oderus Urungus, at 3 PM.


Oderus Urungus, chief scumdog of marauding mutant metal impresarios Gwar, will be dropping by Trinity Bellwoods Park to be given the newly minted title of Honorary Grand Marshal. Oderus will start the zombie walk by making an opening announcement to the ravenous undead hordes before sending them forth with the new tradition of The Throwing of the Severed Head.

Registration for The Toronto Zombie Walk is free and open to all. Participants can register for the walk in advance on the Toronto Zombie Walk website (here), or in person at Eyesore Cinema or Starstruck Entertainment (Square One, Mississauga) or they can register on the day of, at the walk.

After the walk The Toronto Zombie Walk will be hosting a film showing of Return Of The Living Dead (1984) at The Bloor Cinema at 7 PM. Prices for the movie are $10 for the living and $8 dollars for registered (toe tagged) undead. The night will be concluded with a special after party at the Bovine Sex Club. Bands include DELINQUINTS, DENTATA, and R.I.P., Zombies get in free!


What: Toronto Zombie Walk

When: Saturday, October 23rd, noon to 7 PM

Key times include:

12 PM: Trinity Bellwood Park festivities resume

12 PM: Henry’s Photo Booth Opens

1 PM: Registration and Toe Tag Pick Up begins

2:30 PM: Contests Start

3 PM: 2010 Grand Marshal, Oderus Urungus, begins the walk.

5 PM: Walk ends in Christie Pits

7 PM: Return Of The Living Dead showing

9 PM: After Party – Bovine Sex Club

The first documented zombie walk was held in Toronto in October of 2003 with 7 zombies. The 2009 Toronto Zombie Walk drew an estimated 5,000 participants. The non-participating public also gets involved in the event, by coming out to watch, photograph, and videotape the participants from start to finish. The Walk was recently listed in June 2010 Issue of Toronto Life Magazine as one of the 50 reasons to love Toronto.

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