DOWN Guitarist Pepper Keenan CORROSION OF CONFORMITY Reunion - "We’re Gonna Try To Get Back Together And Get The Four Piece Going; Deliverance With That Same Lineup"

October 18, 2010, 13 years ago

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DOWN guitarist Pepper Keenan spoke with Elliot Levin from recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Examiner: When does North America get to see Down play live again?

Pepper: "That’s a good question. Right now we’re working on new material, so we’re trying to keep up more of a brisk pace, once we get some new shit out. We’re moving backwards towards the NOLA sound, go-for-the-throat kind of shit. We’re not putting too much time into the production of it, like the last two records we did. Which I enjoyed doing, but now it’s time to go backwards a little bit, have some fun. So maybe this summer."

Examiner: I recall reading recently that you’re thinking of releasing say a four song EP, and then hitting the road.

Pepper: "Well it’s more than a four song EP, but we’re talking about finally getting this thing together, I don’t wanna go into any detail yet, but it’s going to be pretty massive. The first EP will be the first section of a whole big deal we’re working on. It’s gonna be fucking nuts."

Examiner: The original line up of CORROSION OF CONFORMITY is out on tour right now, what’s your take on that?

Pepper: "I think it’s a bunch of shit."

Examiner: You’re not happy about it?

Pepper: "No, no, no. I mean, we want to do something again, it’s just I was so busy with Down and those guys had an opportunity as a three piece which is cool because some of the Animosity stuff people were asking about, and now with (drummer Reed) Mullin back in the band we’re gonna try to get back together and get the four piece going (with Woody Weatherman on lead guitar and Mike Dean on bass), Deliverance, with that same lineup."

Examiner: So you’re going to let them ride out this tour and then everything’s back to normal?

Pepper: "Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about. They’re gonna do a recording of some of the songs they wrote, which is cool, hell I’ve been doing Down shit. So hopefully we’ll get that shit wrapped up and get back out there, we don’t have a record deal or nothing, but we got a shitload of interest that want to see CoC out there, it’s just kind of a matter of getting all our ducks in a row."

Read the entire interview here.

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