EVERGREY - Message To The ProgPower USA Faithful

October 28, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news usa evergrey

After yesterday's announcement that progressive Swedes EVERGREY will co-headline the ProgPower USA 2011 Thursday, September 15th pre-party (alongside VANDEN PLAS) in Atlanta, GA, the band has issued the following message:

"So, after taking a break from PPUSA for a few years, we will return to play and drink with friends from our second home (Hell, we've even been there when we’re NOT playing).

We are currently contemplating how to make this special, as we feel we have already done it all at this venue. And no, a naked performance is not something you want to see; believe me! The funny thing is that we have NEVER performed at PPUSA with the same lineup. Oh, maybe that is tragic?

Our idea is for our fans to come up with constructive ideas on what you think would make for a special performance. Hell, we can even make a list of songs which you definitely DON’T want us to play... So, please post feedback on the ProgPower USA forum, and we will contemplate each and every idea.

There WILL be songs from the new album; that you can count on since it is being released in February or March (depending on your location). This will give you loads of time to build up your love or hate, and we will embrace whatever you throw at us. But… when you meet us in person at the festival, remember there is a chance it will come back to you!

In any case, and no matter what we might come up with, we certainly feel great being able to join you all for what always seems to be a drinking mayhem.

See you next year!"

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