MOLLY HATCHET Guitarist Bobby Ingram - "There Are No Limits To Southern Rock Because We Can Turn It Up As Loud As We Want"

November 8, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard molly hatchet

The Great Southern Brainfart has issued an interview with MOLLY HATCHET guitarist Bobby Ingram. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Molly Hatchet over the years has been embraced by the metal community. I can’t think of many southern rock bands that can cross over genres like you guys have. Why do you think that metal fans can connect with Molly Hatchet on that level?

A: "I think it’s because we’re the hardest of the southern rock bands. We’ve been lucky enough to be embraced by this metal/hard rock world. The Europeans in heavy metal and hard rock have totally embraced Molly Hatchet and we couldn’t be more honored because I love that kind of music. I love the style, the attitude, it just kicks fucking ass. Every time we go to Europe, I love sitting and listening to the opening acts because they’re fucking ass kickers. I’m not joking. We’re looking at these kids saying, 'Look at these kids kicking ass!', and they’re looking at us going, 'That motherfucker can barely walk, but he’s kicking everybody’s ass!' [laughs] It’s like hillbilly grandpa out there beating the tar out of somebody. We are embraced by this community that I really dig. There are no limits to southern rock because we can turn it up as loud as we want. We don’t have to be this limitation of having to be hee and haw or twang and twong. We can turn it up and get the fuck down with it. [laughs] You can still have a fucking attitude and rock your ass off."

Read the full interview at this location.

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