MONSTER MAGNET - 'Dig That Hole' "A Commentary On Medicated Culture"

November 11, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news monster magnet

MONSTER MAGNET frontman Dave Wyndorf has revealed the true meaning behind 'Dig That Hole', one of the songs from the band's new album Mastermind.

"'Dig That Hole' really is a commentary on medicated culture. In particular American society (that sounds pretty high falootin', I know)! Me and my pill problem are just a part of the song. Believe it or not there's also references to American Idol and assholes with blue tooth headsets as well as racism and laziness. Maybe it's just me, but even with all the sensational communication devices technology provides I sense strange disconnections in modern American society. Like a lot of people are digging their own personal little holes with medication and vaporous Internet relationships. Life in HD.

There, I think that just about destroys any mystery this song may have held!"

Monster Magnet is currently on tour in Europe. A complete list of dates can be found here.

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