NIKKI SIXX' Sixx Sense Radio Show Hits Milestone 50th Affiliate Mark

November 23, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard nikki sixx

According to, MÖTLEY CRÜE's Nikki Sixx has cause for celebration this month with his radio show hitting the 50th affiliate mark - a feat which, by broadcasting standards, represents a certain milestone. Indeed, akin to receiving a platinum record, the accomplishment punctuates the fact that his radio show, Sixx Sense With Nikki Sixx, is a success - officially.

"Radio has always been such an important part of my life, whether as a musician or a fan, and to be able to do this every day has been a dream come true," Sixx tells Spinner. "And to think, we're just getting started..."

For more info on Sixx Sense visit

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