THE CULT - In-Depth Interview With Guitarist Billy Duffy Available

November 25, 2010, 13 years ago

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THE CULT guitarist Billy Duffy is featured in a new in-depth interview with An excerpt is available below.

Q: I was just at the El Rey for Gary Newman's Pleasure Principle Tour. He toured his Pleasure Principle album in the same way that you did with Love, and had similar reservations. It was something that he had been resisting, but then he actually found that he quite enjoyed it.

Duffy: "Well, you hold on to a lot of beliefs. We all hold on to a lot of beliefs about rights and wrongs, and what's the right thing to do. I think as time passes generally in life as a person, let alone as a musician or creative person, you sometimes maybe allow yourself to let go of some of those rigidly held beliefs just to see what's it like, and sometimes you can be pleasantly surprised. I think that's what happened with The Cult and The Love Tour. It was something that I proposed to Ian when he was singing with THE DOORS. I ran into him in LA and I actually just said we should play the Love album at the Albert Hall. That's all I said. Everything started with that really. It was one of the best things I've done this decade really - apart from having a kid. I really enjoyed the whole thing of doing the Albert Hall. It meant a lot to me, and it was kind of fun. I mean, I saw Gary do that. I saw him do his show. It was pretty cool. I saw him do that in Glasgow maybe, a couple years back. He was doing some tour, playing an album for sure. He was great. A guy like him, people go and see it and they say, "Oh yeah, NINE INCH NAILS, Gary Numan - yes, there is a connection."

Q: Gary was also talking about how, as time passes, he has come to be more proud of his work then he was at the time it was actually released.

Duffy: "That's the classic creative person's dilemma, and also a British thing where you down play your own worth. You have very low actual feelings of your own worth."

Q: But also, you can only Monday morning quarterback after the fact. For example, I was driving around town three days ago and I was listening to Jack FM, and they played 'She Sells Sanctuary' back to back with 'Sweet Child O' Mine'. I'm like, fuck, those songs sound so similar, and I was reading your bio and I realized why; because a relatively unknown Guns N' Roses actually toured with you guys. But only in retrospect do you get a sense of the progression of music.

Duffy: "Except that they'd probably written it before they toured with us. But I'm sure they heard 'She Sells Sanctuary'. They were all pretty turned on guys. But when they toured with us, they'd already released Appetite for Destruction, and it had only sold 50,000 copies. It subsequently went on to sell a hundred and something million. But at the time they toured with us, it was in '87, we were promoting Electric. I mean there's an element of truth and there's an element of cross-pollination there, which is natural and organic between musicians and has always happened. You're obviously bright and have read rock history; Rock & roll, R & B, country, blue grass - it all blends, and ideas get borrowed, stolen, developed and moved on. And similarly, we came to make what for us was quite a departure from 'She Sells Sanctuary'. We were promoting the Electric album, which was a completely different sound. We were produced by Rick Rubin. It was really stripped down, kind of AC/DC-ish. It was a complete departure. And those guys had arrived where they were at doing Appetite for Destruction. I mean that album was done, 'Welcome To The Jungle' was released."

Go to this location for the complete interview.

On December 4th, DirecTV will feature THE CULT as part of Guitar Center Sessions. A promo clip is available below.

Guitar Center Sessions is filmed live before an audiience primarily consisting of music students, featuring exclusive performances and intimate conversations. The program is hosted by KCRW's Music Director / host of Morning Becomes Eclectic, Jason Bentley. It airs at 9:00pm EST / PST in 2D high definition and in 3D on DirecTV's The 101 Network (channel 101) and DirecTV's new channel, n3D.

As previously reported, The Cult are offering a free download of the track 'White', recorded live in Houston, TX on October 1st. To download the track, check out the widget below:

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