HARDCORE SUPERSTAR Drummer - "KING DIAMOND Will Probably Tell Us To Fuck Off (If We Ask Him To Sing One Of Our Songs)"

December 6, 2010, 13 years ago

news rock hard hardcore superstar king diamond

Greece's caught up with HARDCORE SUPERSTAR drummer Adde for an exclusive interview regarding the promotion of the band's new album, Split Your Lip. The following an excerpt:

Q: You got a chestpiece, a tattoo that says “Only God can judge”. Are you religious?

A: "Well, I’m the god I’m referring to... haha! No, I’m not religious. When you're born in Sweden you automatically become a member of the Christian church. I had to go thru hell to get out of it.

Q: So are you winning the Grammy this year?

A: "Now's our time!"

Q: Has KING DIAMOND accepted to sing a song on your next album or are you still waiting for a reply???

A: "He he! I worried for him. He's dealing with back problems and that gives him terrible moodswings. He'll probably tell me to fuck off if i ask him!"

Read the full interview at this location.

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