NILE Drummer George Kollias Interview Available

December 11, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news nile

Zero Tolerance webzine recently conducted an interview with NILE drummer George Kollias. Excerpts from the interview are below:

Zero Tolerance: When did you start recording Those Whom The Gods Detest? Has there been any difficulties when you were writing those songs? What's your opinion about this release?

George Kollias: “We used different methods on the writing of Those Whom, we did a good preparation and pre-production way before I fly to the States and start rehearsing the new material. I was back home for months doing drums for all the demos the guys were sending to me and that was a really nice step that taught us a lot. We will definitely get more serious on that and have everything ready before we even meet for rehearsals for the next album.

As for problems, the only thing that comes to my mind was a problem I had right before we enter the studio, and that was a usual injury on my left calf, something that drummers get a lot but for me it happened on the worst time… Anyways, playing a few songs over and over again, some really pushing ones and getting those breaks in between hurt my left calf and there was no time to rest, I kept pushing and I came to the point that I couldn’t really walk, and that was like five to six days before we enter the studio. So, we just took it easy and I was doing a song per day, icing my leg constantly and there you go, it went away like usual.

Other than that it was a fun process, I really enjoyed the fact that we work a lot more professional this time and a lot more in general than we did in the past. This is a sign of constant progress and we need to get more serious on this for the next album. I am really happy with Those Whom The Gods Detest in general, although I believe there were many spots on this album that we could do better and this is the plan for the next one…”

Zero Tolerance: What's the idea behind the title of the last album? Have you got what are you looking for in this new album?

George Kollias: “The idea is in Karl’s mind, I have nothing to do with lyrics and titles so there you go… I don’t really pay attention on the lyrical concept as much either, for me it’s the music that counts more.

For this last album our goal was to make a good album and I think we made it. Now if you ask me, I think we could do better like I always think after each album is out. I am never 100% satisfied and this is actually a good thing for our next release ‘cause I am trying more.”

Zero Tolerance: What are your touring plans?

George Kollias: “We are currently in the US on tour and this is actually our second US tour for this album. Right after that we have a big European tour (second Europe tour as well) and then we are pretty much done for the rest of the year. It’s time to go back home and write some new songs… get ready for our next album.

We did some crazy tourings lately, we’ve been to Europe, USA, Australia, Japan, South America and now we are doing the second leg of our tour cycle. All these tours happened one after the other and on top of all that I had two drum clinic tours in Germany and Italy; I can say I am very tired and I would love to go back home for a few months and get rest. Although, I am getting ready to start a short drum clinic tour in Germany/Austria in December and also organizing a few more drum clinic tours in Finland, Australia and UK. What can I say, I am a drum freak…ha ha ha.”

To read the entire interview go here

As previously reported, Nile recently announced tour dates for Scandinavia and the Baltic states, extending their upcoming European run through to the end of February. Support on this leg of the tour will be MELECHESH, PRESSURE POINT, BIBLEBLACK and GOAT THE HEAD.

The band's European tour schedule is as follows, new shows listed from February 17th - 26th:


20 - Katowice, Poland - Mega Club
21 - Vienna, Austria - Szene
22 - Budapest, Hungary - a38
23 - Bucarest, Romania - TBA
24 - Sofia, Bulgaria - Blue Box
25 - Thessaloniki, Greece - Eightball
26 - Beograd, Russia - SKC
27 - Zagreb, Croatia - Mochvara
28 - Nova Goriza, Italy - Pieffe Factory
29 - Dietikon, Switzerland - Sounddock14
30 - Darmstadt, Germany - Steinbruch Theater
31 - Prague, Czech Republic - Exit Chmelnice


1 - München, Germany - Backstage
2 - Vevey, Switzerland - Rocking Chair
3 - Romagnano Sesia (Novara), Italy - RnR Arena
4 - Rome, Italy - Blackout
5 - Gualtieri (Reggio Emilia), Italy - Temp Rock
7 - Nijmegen, Netherlands – Doornrosje
8 - Cardiff, England - Millennium Music Hall
9 - Liverpool, England - The Masque
10 - Derby, England - Redemption
11 - Dublin, Ireland - Buttom Factory
12 - Belfast, Ireland - Spring And Airbrake
13 - London, England - 02 Academy
14 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Baroeg
15 - Antwerp, Belgium - Trix
16 - Hannover, Germany – Musikzentrum


17 - Copenhagen, Denmark - Amager Bio
18 - Goteborg, Sweden - Musikens Hus
19 - Oslo, Norway - Betong
20 - Stockholm, Sweden - Klubben
22 - Tampere, Finland - Klubi
23 - Helsinki, Finland - Nosturi
24 - Tallin, Estonia - Tapper
25 - Riga, Latvia - Melna Piektdiena
26 - Vilnius, Lithuania - Mulen Ru

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