ANTHRAX / THE DAMNED THINGS - Scott Ian’s Busy Balancing Act

December 23, 2010, 13 years ago

hot flashes news the damned things anthrax

Attention Deficit Delirium's Bryan Reesman reports:

Guitarist Scott Ian always seems to be busy with something: music, television, comics, poker tournaments. They say there’s no rest for the wicked, and the metal icon certainly seems to thrive on his busy juggling act, which these days includes playing with ANTHRAX and THE DAMNED THINGS. Although when A.D.D. recently asked him if he gets re-energized by taking on multiple projects, he replied with a laugh, “No, if anything it makes me more tired.”

In all seriousness, Ian only works on things that he loves to do and is passionate about. “But all of it is a lot of work,” he acknowledged. “The commitment to anything, whether it’s Anthrax or The Damned Things or writing a comic book, always means a shit load of work. Obviously it’s something I’m not afraid of, and if I feel that something is worth my time and energy then I will always commit to it and give it everything I have. But it’s what I’ve always done.”

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