MARCO MENDOZA - "I Haven't Spoke To David Coverdale Since I Left WHITESNAKE"

December 29, 2010, 13 years ago

news whitesnake rock hard marco mendoza

Sleaze Roxx' Ruben Mosqueda has issued a new interview with bassist extraordinaire MARCO MENDOZA (WHITESNAKE, BLUE MURDER, THIN LIZZY). The following is an excerpt:

Q: Your musical resume is outstanding - you played with John Sykes and Blue Murder, then you followed him to Thin Lizzy and you worked with David Coverdale and Whitesnake. How uncomfortable was it for you having had a foot in both the Whitesnake and Thin Lizzy camps, seeing as the falling out between Coverdale and Sykes has been well documented.

A: "Yeah I think you hit the nail on the head, it was uncomfortable. I have since resolved my issues with John. I'm a bass player, it's not only my livelihood but my passion and my trade. If you can believe this, I received a call from David Coverdale who was looking for a bass player. He offered to fly me up to his house to see if we clicked and we hit it off. During the time that I was with David we talked about maybe him reuniting with John Sykes. I'll take credit for them talking again years after their falling out. I did the same with Tommy Aldridge. For whatever reason things didn't work out and John didn't return. It would have been great to have John back in Whitesnake but it didn't work. In my opinion that would have been the right move.

My time in Whitesnake was a great time, I loved every second of it. Going back to my time with John Sykes we did a great live album that wasn't well received for whatever reason. I'm a guy that if I make mistakes or have issues with somebody I like to resolve them. The truth is life is too short, bury the hatchet if you will, and move on. I like to keep my sanity, resentments are not good period. I was a little disappointed that John and David weren't able to forgive and more forward, but they make their own choices. I haven't spoke to David Coverdale since I left Whitesnake. I talk to John Sykes, our paths have crossed and we live in the same town."

Read the full interview at this location.

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