SUICIDAL TENDENCIES Guitarist Mike Clark - "We’re Always Trying To Write Outside Of The Box And Ahead Of The Curve Of What’s Currently Happening"

January 6, 2011, 13 years ago

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SUICIDAL TENDENCIES guitarist Mike Clark is featured in a new interview with An excerpt is available below.

UG: You could say that Suicidal Tendencies has sort of had a revolving lineup over the years.

Clark: "Sort of!" (Laughs)

UG: What is it about the dynamic between you and Mike Muir (vocals) that has stayed constant for so many years?

Clark: "With the songwriting, we just get each other. He’ll bounce stuff off of me as far as riffage and writing riffs or choruses. I’ll come up with ideas and Mike can always get something better out of it. We try everything during that process. I get where he’s trying to come from. We just have a really great songwriting chemistry that keeps going on."

UG: I understand there will be a full album of new material. Is there a timeline?

Clark: "Definitely. It was going to be the album coming out, but we’re holding that off until next year. The songs actually sounded kind of ahead of their time. We’re always trying to write outside of the box and ahead of the curve of what’s currently happening. So we’re going to sit on this one, and it will be coming up. They’re saying January, but I’m saying February because it’s always delayed. The thing is done. We’ve got so much material. I don’t know if you knew that in the past 10 years that Mike has broken his back twice. He’s had a really tough decade basically. But we have the band back alive and I’m happy. In that decade we’ve always been writing. We have massive amounts. We’ve got a great bank full of material, which is always good."

Click here for the complete interview.

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