OZZY OSBOURNE – New OzTV Webisode Posted Online; Video Available

January 18, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news ozzy osbourne tv

The latest OzTV webisode featuring behind-the-scenes footage of OZZY OSBOURNE's current Scream Tour in Omaha on January 16th, has been posted online. Watch the video below as well as the OzTV clip from Minneapolis on January 12th.

As previously reported, in the new full video below, Ozzy explains How To Be Normal for the recently revitalized Brisk clay animation campaign.

The film opens with a clay puppet Ozzy offering instructions for normal living, including things like go on a cruise, decorate your cubicle and believe commercials.

The Ozzy web film is the second clay puppet animation film produced by Brisk this month. The first stars Mexican-American action hero Danny Trejo as his title character Machete Cortez from the 2010 film Machete.

"Ozzy is continuously reinventing himself," says Mary Barnard, Vice President and General Manager of the Pepsi Lipton Tea Partnership. "From rock star to reality TV presence to author and advice columnist, Ozzy is always creating and doing new things. People love him for that--and that's what Brisk is celebrating in this web film."
"People love to see a recognizable celebrity having some fun with their image, which is why our kick-off of the Brisk clay animation spots in the nineties worked in the first place," says Barnard. "This time around, we're bringing the brisk spirit into play by creating a more frenetic pace and packing as much into 30 seconds as possible. We're keeping it Brisk."

Both the Trejo and Osbourne films can be found on the Brisk Facebook page here. Fans are encouraged to review the films and submit their own brisk stories in 140 characters or less. Two winners' stories will be animated and placed on the website.

For more information about Brisk Iced Tea, visit LiptonBrisk.com.

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