January 26, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard chickenfoot sammy hagar

CHICKENFOOT frontman SAMMY HAGAR (ex-VAN HALEN) spoke with recently about a number of topics including the band's sophomore effort.

"The last record took us about three months," Hagar says, "and I think we'll knock this one out in half that time. We don't have these laborious sessions where we go over every phrase and suck all the energy out of the songs. Everybody is so musically capable in this band that we're able to turn on a dime. We're almost like a jazz band. Somebody says something, and off we go."

On the subject of a release date, Hagar says it's "a little early to predict that. But I do want to hit the road later this year." One possible kink touring-wise centers around drummer Chad Smith, who will most likely be performing with the RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS when they release their album in the summer. "It's a conflict," Hagar admits. "But what can you do? Chad is going to make an incredible record with us. If he can't tour we us, we'll have to get a temporary replacement." He names Jason Bonham, Matt Sorum, Vinnie Paul and Abe Laboriel Jr as possible candidates. "Any one of them would be amazing. But like I said, they'd be temporary - I can't stress that enough. Chad Smith is a member of Chickenfoot, and that's that."

Read the entire interview here.

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