SOULFALLEN To Write Third Album This Summer

February 14, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news soulfallen

Finland's SOULFALLEN have issued the following update:

"We have been quiet for some time now, but now it is time to break the silence. Lately there have not been a lot of gigs, and we will only do a selected amount of shows this spring, since we have been and wish to concentrate on writing new material fitting our upcoming evil plans. Plans that include the recording of our third album in the summer of 2011!

The successor of Grave New World will be forged to life at the familiar and fiendly fires of Mount Doom also known as Studio Watercastle, located in Jyväskylä, Finland. And as before, additional orchestral perversions will be invoked at Noisework Productions. The new album will be the end of a trilogy, the final step into the dark. It will bear the trademark sound of Soulfallen, but with a few more sinister twists and turns to elevate this auditory plague into whole new depths of gloom. We can't wait for you all to feast your ears upon this!

There are still questions left unanswered regarding the release of this third chapter of horror, however, we are in high hopes that the scourge will be out by the end of 2011! So wait. Worry. And stay tuned, for we will be giving updates of our third descent into Hell as spring turns into yet another infernal summer...

And there is more. Since we will be having a new album out, we thought it would be fitting to update our merchandise as well. We have now ordered our last batch of Grave New World t-shirts and hoodies, so if any of you are still planning on getting one, this will be your last chance! Act now, for soon it will be too late."

Stay tuned for updates.

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