February 15, 2011, 13 years ago

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JAGGERNAUT frontman and vocalist Niclas Johnsson (FULL STRIKE, ex-TWILIGHT ILLUSION, ex-FATAL SMILE) and guitarist/producer Wojtek Lisicki (LOST HORIZON, LUCIFERION, ex-AGAINST THE PLAGUES) have united their forces, now in closeknit collaboration.

The musicians have been focusing on structuring up the concept, incorporating members, making plans and frenetically working

on material for the upcoming album.

The formation is now vigorously polishing the foundations for this blasting release, planned to be fired off somewhere in 2011 in

cooperation with a matching business partner.

In addition to Wojtek's now official membership in Jaggernaut, as guitarist, he also sits behind the steers as the producer of the album. Those of the previously written tracks that will be included on the album have been considerably rearranged, reorchestrated and

protagonized by Wojtek. He has, furthermore, composed all the new material while Niclas is the creator of all vocal arrangements and lyrics on the album.

This intriguing fusion of different artistic approaches now results in a material with wide spectrum of styles and richness of strange

elements coded in a singular manner within the details, therefore also increasing the range of attraction for different metal tastes.

You are going to experience everything from uplifting, catchy parts right in your face, through touching melodies, cosmic and mystical

synths/effects from unknown dimensions, through aggressive, thrashy and punky riffs, then suddenly heavy and very groovy rhythms succeeded - out of nowhere - with mathematical structures executed with robotic strokes and beats. Everything amalgamated with Niclas' powerful and convincing voice, full off anger and life's misery, but then also filled with mighty lines of hope and strengthening of your inner self.

The featuring band members will be announced shortly! With the new, powerful lineup, Jaggernaut has turned into a solid and strong energy unit ready to hit the stages.The band is having frequent rehearsals and preparations aiming for live activity to be put into action within a few weeks. Having that said, Jaggernaut is announcing themselves open for bookings.

The up-to-date presentation of song clips to be published next week. More info to come about the exact date.

Stay tuned.

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