RONNIE JAMES DIO - Epitaph Written By Former DIO Keyboardist Claude Schnell Online

February 16, 2011, 13 years ago

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Jason Saulnier's Music Legends website has posted the epitaph written by former DIO keyboardist Claude Schnell for the book, RONNIE JAMES DIO - A Photographic Memoir, issued in November 2010. Check it out below:

"With the dawn of the new day on May 16, 2010 came the end of an era. When Ronnie left us in the early hours of that morning, he took with him a presence that will never be replaced. But in the wake of this tragedy, when the fog of overwhelming sadness slowly began to lift and give way to the first glimpses of lucidity, it became clear that the gifts this giant of a man had left behind were enough to fill several lifetimes. This was a man who pursued, and I might add achieved, excellence in every arena he traversed. This was never more apparent than when he would sing. And sing he did, with his voice propelling each and every note he ever sang to the zenith of vocal performance. His voice was the stuff of legend, as were his skills as a writer, a musician, and a producer. But he was also a man of intensity, character, and wisdom. A man whose generosity of spirit knew no limits. And this was never more apparent than in his relationships. Anyone who had the good fortune to know Ronnie knows this to be true.

I, for one, know this to be true. Having played with Ronnie has left me with memories and lessons that will last a lifetime. For that, I am and always will be grateful. But I am truly humbled by the knowledge that Ronnie counted me amongst his friends. The imprint of that friendship will continue to affect me every single day, for the rest of my life.

Farewell, my friend, you will be missed in more ways than you know."

Click here for information on Ronnie James Dio: A Photographic Memoir.

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