MOTÖRHEAD's Lemmy Kilmister - "It’s Nice To Be Popular But Now I’m Too Old To Enjoy It"

February 26, 2011, 13 years ago

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Joanna Huffa from Now Magazine spoke with MOTÖRHEAD mainman Lemmy Kilmister recently about a number of topics including the renown documentary 49% Motherf**ker, 51% Son Of A Bitch and the band's new album, The Wörld Is Yours. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

On being more popular than ever: "It’s nice to be popular; I’m not gonna say it’s not, you know. But now I’m too old to enjoy it. There was a time when I would’ve given them girls a run for their money, but you get to 60 and that slips away a little bit. It’s not slipped away altogether, believe me, but it doesn’t assume the importance it did when you’re 25. You never think anything’s gonna fade away until it’s gone and you think, ‘Shit, what’s happened to that?’”

On spending 40 years making uncompromising music that has never pandered to fads: "You should never interfere with the quality of something just to get it out quick. That’s a great failing of today’s world. A lot of people like to get things done right now or yesterday so you don’t have a glitch in the sales record or whatever it is. But it’s not worth hurrying up. It’s not worth going off half-done.”

On his sexual reputation “I’m in love with all the women I’ve ever been with, or else I wouldn’t have been with them. That’s why I don’t kiss and tell. I think that’s a terrible thing. Having sex is really personal between the two of you; it should never be talked about with anybody else. It should not even arise.”

Read the entire interview at Now Magazine.

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