Frontman Kvohst Leaves <CODE>

March 14, 2011, 13 years ago

code news life in black

Norway/UK based black metal project have issued the following update from composer extraordinaire Aort:

"With regret, I would like to announce that (wordsmith/singer) Kvohst has left Code in order to concentrate on his own music with HEXVESSEL and vocals with DODHEIMSGARD.

I of course wish him all the best for the future and extend my thanks for 10 years of pleasurable and productive work together.

This is not the end, but hopefully a shift in course to fresh destinations. I have been working with a great new musical line up over the last half a year or so to really hone where the new album will be heading. I have been working on this new album for the last two years and we all believe very strongly in it's potential as a dynamic follow up to Resplendent Grotesque.

How this will be realised vocally is not clear at the moment, there are many questions that remain unanswered... but there are irons in fires. The one certainty is that I am as determined as I have ever been and I will put the same unflinching soul and dedication into the future as I have with both of our albums to date.

I also have new projects afoot which will up the ante in terms of brutality and darkness so please keep your eyes peeled for more information.

Thanks as ever to all those who find a home within Code's musical endeavours… your continued support is always massively appreciated.

More on Code at this location.

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