Niklas Kvarforth Quits Other Projects To Concentrate On SHINING

March 27, 2011, 13 years ago

news life in black shining

The following statement was issued today by SHINING founder and frontman Niklas Kvarforth.

"A lot of things have been happening recently with Shining, and the rapid growth of the band over the last year, and the commitment that Shining now requires of me has meant that it has become impractical for me to continue working as vocalist with other bands.

This includes my work with BETHLEHEM, who themselves realised that the band could not continue with myself on vocals. BETHLEHEM is still my all-time favourite band and I wish them all the best for the future.

I will also be quitting as front man for DEN SAAKALDTE.

From now on, therefore, I will only be making occasional guest vocal appearances on albums by other bands, and my priority will be Shining. My work with Maniac's band SKITLIV will not be affected, however, as the vocals and the bulk of the creative work is in his hands.

As always, myself and the band very much appreciate all the support the fans are giving Shining and their patience in waiting for the release of VII, and there will be some very good news regarding this very shortly"

For more info on Shining visit Facebook.

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