AEROSMITH Bassist Tom Hamilton - "Damned If We Don’t Have A Finished Record By The End Of September"

March 31, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard aerosmith

AEROSMITH bassist Tom Hamilton caught up with the Boston Herald recently and he spoke about the band's new album and singer Steven Tyler, who has been rather busy with non-band-related activities ever since he signed on to judge American Idol - a move that had caused some dissension in the ranks, because the band has been promising fans a new disc for more than three years.

“Steven has been really good at selling the idea among his bandmates that the band is No. 1 and this is where his heart is,” bassist Tom Hamilton says. “I look forward to him demonstrating that.”
“I am bursting at the seams to do this and have been for a long time,’’ Hamilton said. “Everybody’s head is into it, and once Steven is done with his TV gig, we get to work and damned if we don’t have a finished record by the end of September.”

Read the entire report here.

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