VADER Post Guitar Recording Footage For New Album

April 14, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news vader

Polish death metal veterans VADER have been working at Hertz Studio in Bialystok, Poland, recording their forthcoming new album, Welcome To The Morbid Reich.

New video footage of the guitar recordings for the album, as well as previously posted footage of the drum recordings, can be viewed below:

Mix and mastering of Welcome To The Morbid Reich will take place in May.

Tentative track titles include: 'Lords Of Thorns', 'I Am Who Feast Upon Your Souls', 'Only Hell Knows', 'Return To The Morbid Reich', 'I Had A Dream'.

As previously reported, due to family matters, Vader drummer Pawel has decided to leave the band. He is, however, recording the new album with the band and will support Vader on their upcoming gigs, festivals and tours in May, June and July. His natural successor is the very talented 21-year-old English musician James Stewart, playing in DIVINE CHAOS.

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