GUNS N' ROSES Guitarist Bumblefoot Says Axl Rose Is "A Real Ball-Buster"; New Interview Online

April 25, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard guns roses

In a new interview with, GUNS N' ROSES guitarist Ron 'Bumblefoot' Thal discusses the band and frontman Axl Rose. The following is an excerpt:

Q: Was there ever a point that you yourself were even convinced that Chinese Democracy would never come out?

A: "Haha, nah man, I joined up, we hit the road, I hit the studio, we toured some more, then it came out. There was action for most of the time I was there. And when there wasn't action, I did my thing - released the Abnormal CD and Barefoot acoustic EP, lots of guest playin' on people's albums and live, producing some bands, TV, indie film & videogame music..."

Q: "Can you tell us something about Mr. Rose that many people don't know and/or would surprise people?

A: "He's got a great sense of humor. A real ball-buster. Sometimes he'll tell jokes into our in-ear monitors while we're tryin' to take a solo, he's fucked me up a few times, haha... "

Read the full interview at this location.

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