Former GUNS N' ROSES Drummer Steven Adler Says AEROSMITH's Steven Tyler Has The Biggest...

May 9, 2011, 13 years ago

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Former GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler has told TMZ that AEROSMITH singer and American Idol judge Steven Tyler bas been blessed with the biggest unit in rock! Adler dropped the big news yesterday on his tour bus in Los Angeles, telling TMZ: "After seeing Steven Tyler's rig ... I'm lucky if I take my clothes off at all after that."

Check out video of Adler describing Tyler's manhood at this location.

Tyler has told Billboard that Aerosmith will be performing on the American Idol final. "Oh yeah, we're playing the last show of the season. When I came on board, of course they were talking about, 'Are you going to sing with the contestants?' I said I'll do a song, sure, but it was always my intention, always, to get Aerosmith on the show. I mean, Joe's (Perry) done it. I'm ready for it. I would love to play with Aerosmith."

Read more at this location.

Tyler's debut solo single, 'It Feels So Good', will be released on May 10th via Columbia.

Check out an audio sample at

Click below to pre-order 'It Feels So Good':

Tyler's long-awaited autobiography, Does The Noise In My Head Bother You? is out now via Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers. has posted a number of pages from the book - check them out here.

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