Original VICIOUS RUMORS Bassist Dave Starr Featured In New Audio Interview

May 10, 2011, 13 years ago

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Original VICIOUS RUMORS bassist and WILDESTARR guitarist Dave Starr is featured in a new Rock Over America podcast. He discusses his musical influences, Vicious Rumors, CHASTAIN, and WildeStarr, including the album WildeStarr Arrival, and the upcoming WildeStarr album, A Tell Tale Heart. Go to this location to check it out.

Starr issued the following update back in April:

"There are a few things I would like to address and clear up regarding VR. I have received numerous e-mails asking why I am not playing at the upcoming VR reunion at the KIT Festival this weekend in Germany. As most of you know, VR has been a big part of my life and I played on all the band's greatest CDs, tours and videos. I spent close to 12 years in the band. My time with VR was and always will be important to me. Having said that, under the current conditions in the band, it is not possible for me to do this reunion show.

The problems go back to right after the recording of the last VR CD, Warball (2006). At that time I went back to work on my current band WildeStarr. Singer London Wilde and I were working on songs for our debut CD, Arrival, that would come out in late 2009. In 2006 VR drummer Larry Howe was paid in full by London to play on our debut album. He agreed to do it, and we gave him demo songs to work on until we were ready to begin recording. In 2007 we contacted Larry and told him we were ready to book studio time and this is when he told us that he decided not to play on our CD. Not only did he change his mind, but he kept the money he was paid for the recording. He also sent us threatening and hostile e-mails and phone messages warning us not to take any legal action against him or he would 'retaliate' against us. All of these messages have been saved and documented. We were forced to hire another drummer for our CD, and essentially had to pay twice for drum tracks.

I told VR guitarist Geoff Thorpe that because of Larry's actions and behavior, I would not have anything further to do with VR in the future as long as Larry Howe was involved. Geoff said he understood, and would do what he could to try and convince Larry to straighten things out with London and I. Nothing ever came of this.

In early 2010, Geoff Thorpe asked me about playing at the 2011 KIT Festival. This would have been the first time the four surviving members of the band would have played together since 1993. I told Geoff that nothing has changed at all with Larry, so I would not do the show. Geoff again said he would talk to Larry. Geoff asked me over and over throughout 2010 about doing the show, but my answer was always the same. I would love to do the show, but Larry needs to return the money he was paid and apologize in person to London and I. Once these two things were done, all would be forgiven and I would be willing to talk about doing the show. No apology ever came. No money was ever returned to us. I finally had to tell Geoff that I was tired of talking about this and not to ask me about the reunion show again. Geoff said he was really upset, and that he really wanted the VR reunion show at KIT to happen. He said he would go ahead and find a fill in bassist, and I told him to do whatever he had to do. This situation with Larry has obviously strained the relationship between Geoff and I.

I have no bitterness or sour grapes about any of this. Larry has serious substance abuse issues that cloud his judgment, and that is not something that I am angry about. If anything, I feel sorry for Larry. I have been 100% clean and sober for six years now, so I know the damage drugs and alcohol can do to oneself (and your relationship with others) as well as the liberation of being free from the hell of addiction. I only hope that Larry can somehow find the inner peace and freedom that I have found.

In closing, I would like to thank all the great VR fans over the years for their love and support. Many of you have followed me since the early days of Soldiers Of The Night, all the way through to Warball and now, with what I am doing on guitar with WildeStarr.

London and I (along with new drummer Josh Foster) are hard at work on the new WildeStarr CD, A Tell Tale Heart, that will be out later this year. Our first CD, Arrival, received incredible reviews worldwide, and London and I both agree that the new CD will be even stronger. We will have a slightly darker and more aggressive sound this time around, yet retaining the same heaviness and Halford like vocals combined with dramatic and orchestrated harmony guitars."

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