RITCHIE BLACKMORE On Favorite DEEP PURPLE / RAINBOW Record - "I Don't Know, It Was Too Long Ago And I Don't Listen To Records That I Have Recorded"

May 12, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard deep purple ritchie blackmore rainbow

Greg Prato from UGO.com spoke with DEEP PURPLE/RAINBOW guitar legend Ritchie Blackmore recently about a number of topics including his BLACKMORE'S NIGHT project. Here are a few excerpts from the chat:

UGO: Ritchie, what is your favorite Deep Purple album and Rainbow album, and why?

Blackmore: "I don't know, it was too long ago and I don't listen to records that I have recorded."

UGO: Ritchie, would you consider playing with Purple one last time if the band was voted into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame?

Blackmore: "I wouldn't consider playing with them although I haven't really thought about it. As far as the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame goes there are too many people that have been voted in there that have absolutely nothing to do with Rock and Roll for it to mean anything to me. Besides it's too pretentious."

UGO: How was it working with William Shatner on his upcoming album, Searching For Major Tom?

Blackmore: "Serious but not hopeless."

Read the entire interview here.

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