Mars Attacks Launches Classic Albums Column/Podcast; METALLICA's ...And Justice For All Featured

May 13, 2011, 13 years ago

news metallica rarities

Mars Attacks has just launched a new Classic Albums column. The column consists of a series of comments that have been submitted by people that are involved in the music industry. Everything from musicians, producers, authors/journalists, hosts, photographers, label reps, PR people, etc.

The first column touches on METALLICA's ...And Justice For All. You'll find written comments from Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal (GUNS N' ROSES), Dan Lorenzo (HADES), current and former members of WHITE WIZZARD, Mitts from MADBALL, That Metal Show's Jim Florentine, photographer Kevin Estrada, authors Joel Gausten and Greg Prato, etc.

There is a podcast that coincides with this column that contains comments from ANTHRAX' Charlie Benante, FEAR FACTORY'S Gene Hoglan and Mark Strigl.

Both the written comments and the podcast can be found here.

The podcast can also be heard below:

Mars Attacks Classic Albums

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