RITCHIE BLACKMORE To Help Renact 1471 Battle Of Tewkesbury

May 19, 2011, 13 years ago

news rock hard ritchie blackmore

According to Thisisgloucestershire.co.uk, medieval festival fans in Tewkesbury are getting ready to rock after guitar legend Ritchie Blackmore agreed to be their music patron.

The man who came up with one of the most famous guitar riffs of all time, for DEEP PURPLE's 'Smoke On The Water', is backing the annual re-enactment of the 1471 Battle Of Tewkesbury.

And not only has he agreed to be the festival's first music patron, but he wants to play at the event in the future.

Blackmore lives in America and agreed to be patron through his wife's mother, Carole Stevens. She manages the star's current band, BLACKMORE'S NIGHT, in which he plays alongside his wife, Candice Night.

The Tewkesbury Medieval Festival will take place off Gloucester Road on July 9 and 10.

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