SOILENT GREEN Drummer Tommy Buckley - "People That Are True Fans, They Don't Care About Anything Else, They Just Wanna Come Out And See Us Play Live"

May 25, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news soilent green has issued an interview with SOILENT GREEN drummer Tommy Buckley. The following is an excerpt:

Q: It’s been quite some time since you guys last played in the UK, right?

A: "Yeah, eleven years. Eleven years to the month, actually. Actually, over eleven years, because Soilent, CROWBAR and EYEHATEGOD came out in 2000, late March into April, and we left almost the end of the first week of April. So it’s literally almost exactly eleven years to the date."

Q: Have you noticed much change in the reception of the audiences or the metal scene in general over here from the last time you were here as part of Soilent Green?

A: "Aahhhhh, that’s a good question! It’s hard to really tell, not being over here every other year, like you should be, or every three years. It seemed to me that people really got into it last time we were out here, but we were just the opening act for Crowbar. So, the people that come out, I’ve noticed are just very passionate about it. People that are true Soilent fans, they don’t care about anything else, they just wanna come out and see us play live, y’know. It’s cool, it totally inspires me, ’cause, y’know, sometimes you get down on only seeing twenty people, and you get bummed out, but they come up and start talking to you, and they tell you that Sewn Mouth Secrets changed their life, or that if it wasn’t for Soilent Green they wouldn’t even be playing music today, which is kind of flattering."

Read the entire interview at this location.

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