CANNIBAL CORPSE - Music Complete For Eight New Songs

May 26, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news cannibal corpse

Bassist Alex Webster from Florida-based death metal giants CANNIBAL CORPSE has posted the following message on Twitter:

"Writing for the new Cannibal album is going great, we've completed music for 8 songs & have several more in the works as well."

Alex Webster spoke with Mark Holmes from Metal Discovery recently about the band's follow-up to Evisceration Plague.

"On the last album I ended up writing seven songs and I was a little concerned that maybe having to work so hard learning the material that I wrote, it kept Pat (O'Brien) and Rob (Barrett) from doing a whole lot of writing. They were busy practicing the material that I gave them. What I’ve done is I’ve been trying to lay off the writing for Cannibal just a little bit. You know, I’m holding back just a little bit as far as the amount I’m writing and letting Pat…you know, what’s cool about Pat doing the SLAYER thing is he already has a pretty good head start. He’s almost finished with his third song that he wrote by himself whereas on the last album he only did two entirely. So he’s already ahead. What we’d like it to be is probably three to five songs a piece. Most likely we’ll try and make it four – Rob writes four, I write four, and Pat writes four. Paul does lyrics for Pat’s songs and Rob will do lyrics for his own. That’s the plan right now. Whether or not it turns out to be exactly divided that way is hard to say, but I’d like it to be that way. As much as I’m happy with my own songwriting, and I am willing to shoulder the burden of writing the last share of it if necessary, I would rather have it divided up more evenly amongst the band members. It just makes for more variety. As much as I try to inject variety into my songs, there’s nothing that’s going to create more variety than having other songwriters."

Read the entire interview here.

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