PAUL RODGERS Named Patron Of UK Racehorse Sanctuary

June 8, 2011, 13 years ago

paul rodgers news rock hard uk

PAUL RODGERS (ex-QUEEN, FREE, BAD COMPANY) and his wife Cynthia have been named Patrons of England's premier Racehorse Sanctuary and Re-Homing Centre during their recent visit.

A self funded charity that re-homes the horses it can while most of the unwanted ex-racehorses, some who were due for slaughter, stay at the sanctuary. They have been involved since 2007, one year after it's inception.

Introduced to the situation of these creatures by singer and friend Deborah Bonham a Trustee, Paul and Cynthia feel, "The spirits of these magestic, intelligent animals shine through in their eyes. After they have given so much to the racing industry it is only humane to care for them while they live out the remainder of their natural lives. We are moved to be named Patrons of such a heart and soul driven, self funded charity."

Photos and more info here. Donate here.

Rodgers was recently featured on US syndicated radio show, Rockline. A replay of the show is now available at this location.

Contactmusic recently reported:

Paul Rodgers may tour with Queen again. The former Free/Bad Company vocalist joined Brian May and Roger Taylor to tour as Queen + Paul Rodgers between 2005 and 2009, and while they have all been working on other projects since, the vocalist hasn't ruled out performing with the band again.

When asked if he would tour again with Queen, Rodgers said: "We may do. We left it because we all wanted to do different things. We toured the world twice and after the studio album I didn't feel like there was a lot more we could do. We didn't want to do it forever, but I enjoyed playing the role for a while, so we'll see."

Read more at this location.

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