ADLER'S APPETITE / Ex-GUNS N' ROSES Drummer Steven Adler - "There Are Two Separate Times I Tried Killing Myself"

June 15, 2011, 13 years ago

guns roses rock hard news appetite adler's Michelle Oberg has issued an interview with ADLER'S APPETITE/ex-GUNS N' ROSES drummer Steven Adler. An excerpt follows:

Q: Have your fans been supportive through all these years considering everything that has been going on both personally and publicly?

A: "Oh yeah, they're great! But, for me I think of STEVEN TYLER, NIKKI SIXX and SLASH, you know those goofballs. I looked up to those guys; they made mistakes too and made it out okay. I feel that you get stronger after surviving shit like that [drugs]. Right now, I'm the happiest I have been in my whole life but I don't think I'd be happier than I am right now if I hadn't ruined 20 years of my life either [laughs]."

Q: For the record are you clean and sober now?

A: "Yes, I am. I actually just finished my last stint with Dr. Drew, Bob Forrest and Shelly on Celebrity Rehab. Since I got off the heroin and the crack and the pills my life has been just a turn-around, but I was still drinking Jagermeister and smoking the pot. My life was going to a place where I have wanted it to go for many years; heading in a positive direction, but I wasn't able to make the full commitment until I met Dr. Drew in 2008. I made 180 degree turn in my life and made the complete change - I got off the rest of the stuff. It's amazing how small of an effort it takes if you just give a little when you want to change. I never in my life would have imagined myself saying, 'I enjoy being in rehab'. I was here with a bunch of crazies, just a bunch of loony tunes, but they were good people."

Q: What was the turning point for you to finally get sober and join Celebrity Rehab?

A: "I didn't die. I tried killing myself, and you know, you'd think it's easy to do, but let me tell you: it's not easy. I could tell you there are two separate times I tried killing myself and both times I took 100 Valium, drank the big bottle of Jagermeister and shot up ¾ of a gram of heroin. The only thing that happened to me is that I had the best night sleep of my life. So, I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately, you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're depressed all the time is it's the drugs that are depressing you. Cocaine and Heroin are depressants; Valium is a depressant; alcohol and cigarettes are a depressant."

Read the complete interview at this location.

VH1 has once again partnered with Dr. Drew Pinsky for a fifth season of the hit reality series, Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew.

Similar to the first four cycles, the fifth season will follow the real-life experiences of celebrity patients undergoing detoxification and treatment at The Pasadena Recovery Center. This season will follow Michael Lohan (Celebrity Dad), Sean Young (Blade Runner), Dwight 'Doc' Gooden (baseball star), Amy Fisher (Long Island Lolita), Steven Adler (ex-Guns N' Roses), Bai Ling (The Crow), Jessica 'Sugar' Kiper (Survivor), and Jeremy Jackson (Baywatch) on their quest for sobriety.

Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew is set to premiere Sunday, June 26th at 9 PM on VH1.

In the 5th installment of the Celebrity Rehab franchise, Dr. Drew takes viewers behind the closed doors of rehab and inside the often misunderstood treatment process. From heartbreak to hope we follow Dr. Drew and his patients on their difficult and deeply emotional journey to sobriety. An often raw and unflinching look at the many faces of addiction, Dr. Drew shows us that rehab is not a glamorous spa vacation for celebrities as portrayed in the media but a profound life changing process that offers hope for a better life.

Full episodes and extra scenes from Celebrity Rehab With Dr. Drew will be available at and on VH1 Mobile each week following the show's on-air premiere.

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