LAMB OF GOD Drummer Chris Adler - "A Few Big Surprises Are In The Works And The Expected Is As Expected"

June 16, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news lamb of god

LAMB OF GOD drummer Chris Adler has checked in with the following update:

"Things are moving along very well these days in my world. A few big surprises are in the works and the expected is as expected.

We have been busting our butts full-time for months writing the new record. It's fantastic so far, to say the very least. Now switched into prep mode for Montreal show Friday, our only show in 2011. It will mark the middle of the year that we are taking to write new record and reconnect with our families. It's come up fast, but the hard work is now behind us.

Surprises are more specific to me and will come about later this year. Will say they have to do with Epic (not our record label) cameras, large drumfest overseas and a recording opportunity with a different band that will push me to every limit! All good stuff but first and foremost — my top priority is my daughter's third birthday this weekend. It's gonna be a rager! We did 'Sesame St.' live last weekend and we are PUMPED! LOL."

As previously reported, Lamb Of God guitarist Mark Morton will be auctioning one of his stage guitars used at the upcoming D-Tox Fest in Montebello, Quebec for charity. All proceeds from the auction will go to Victory Junction, a camp for chronically ill children in Randleman, NC. The guitar, a Mark Morton Signature model Jackson Dominion from Mark's personal collection, will be autographed and will come with photographs from the performance and a personal letter of appreciation from Mark. More details on the start date of the auction will be announced soon.

“I can't put into words how excited I am to be working with Victory Junction,” states Morton. “The work they do is astounding. To have the opportunity to contribute to such an incredible cause is nothing short of an honor. I had the chance to spend some time at the camp recently, and to see what they're doing warmed my heart and soul. I hope anybody reading this will take a few minutes to check out this wonderful organization. Together, the camp, my wife and I are putting together some BIG ideas for the future and we are simply thrilled to be a part of it!”

Victory Junction is a year round camping environment for children ages six to 16 with chronic medical conditions or serious illnesses. Founded by Kyle and Pattie Petty in honor of their son Adam, the camp is located in Randleman, NC, with a second location opening soon in Kansas City, KS. Victory Junction offers programs for a range of disease groups and maintains strong relationships with more than 30 partner hospitals. Victory Junction's mission is to provide life-changing camping experiences that are exciting, fun and empowering, in a safe and medically-sound environment. As a non-profit organization, the camp operates solely through the support of generous individuals, groups and corporations to provide this experience at no charge to children and their families.

Visit for further details.


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