QUEENSRŸCHE Drummer Scott Rockenfield Says Chaos Is A "Lot Of Inspiration" On The New Record

June 21, 2011, 13 years ago

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Marko Syrjala from Metal-Rules.com spoke with QUEENSRŸCHE drummer Scott Rockenfield recently about a number of topics including the band's new album, Dedicated Chaos. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

Metal-Rules.com: First of all, the last two Queensrÿche albums have been kind of team albums. How is this new one?

Rockenfield: "You mean team in terms of different people? It’s again a team album. I mean – listen I think we’ve been making records that way since our first one. Since the early days Queensrÿche was always a team. It was a smaller team. But I think our whole reason for being a band and lasting for so long, is we’ve been all team players. We all respect each other in the band for what we do. And then through the years, of making records and touring, and just surrounding ourselves with people that we need, whether it’s crew guys, for the road and – or working with people, making records, producers, or engineers, or songwriters or whatever it may be. Wherever inspiration comes from I think being a team has always kept us going. Otherwise, I think it gets stale. And I think this record is just another kind of defining moment for that, which is a team situation. A lot of people that we know surround us. Kelly Gray produced the record and engineered and mixed the record for us. And he’s been…"

Metal-Rules.com: What does the Dedicated To Chaos mean? I mean, is there any deeper thoughts behind the title?

Rockenfield: "For us, the title was strictly… I think our big reason for the title is just the world we live in, our band world and our lives together for a long. They’ve been basically chaos. Being in a rock band, and making music and making a career and trying to make a living out of that requires – there’s a lot of chaos, it’s a lot of stuff, making records, and touring the world, its chaos. And I think current chaos has a lot to do with that with just people in society, social networking, and cell phones. You can’t run away anymore, the Internet. Our kids are living that now with their own sell phones. And it’s never going to go away. I think that’s a lot of chaos. And I’m kind of thinking that’s a lot of the inspiration behind the record for us."

Metal-Rules.com: How does it like to create new albums when every time the album comes up, there are always some people who keep on saying 'Yeah, there is no Chris DeGarmo, it’s not going to be any good?'

Rockenfield: "That’s of course – that’s fine, they can say that. We make records for ourselves and travel and tour. And Chris, he decided to leave 16, 17 years ago…"

Metal-Rules.com: Yeah, but some people still don’t get over it.

Rockenfield: "...and that’s okay. I mean the majority of people have gotten over it. There’s only some that don’t. But I don’t think it’s – it doesn’t bother me. It’s not for us."

Read the entire interview here.

Dedicated To Chaos will be released in Europe via WEA/Roadrunner on June 27th and by Roadrunner Records/Loud & Proud on June 28th in North America. Singer Geoff Tate speaks candidly about how getting started on a new record can be so challenging and how the writing process has been completely different on this album as compared to previous releases. Expect Three to debut on June 28th.

Check out Part II below:

Check out Part I below:

Queensrÿche will take part in a very special performance and meet and greet for those who purchase the album at East Street Records.

The first 300 fans to pick up the new album from Easy Street Records on release day, June 28th, will get a ticket to the Queensrÿche CD release party at the Hard Rock in Seattle, Washington on June 30th. The doors will be at 7 PM and Queensrÿche will play a short set at 8 PM and then sign CDs and meet and greet everyone in attendance.

Easy Street locations:

Easy Street Records & Cafe

4559 California Ave SW # 200, Seattle, WA

(206) 938-EASY(3279)

Easy Street Records

20 Mercer St, Seattle, WA

(206) 691-EASY(3279)

Queensrÿche's new song 'Around The World', is currently available for free download from the band's Facebook page (hit 'like' to access to the track).

Dedicated To Chaos tracklisting is as follows:

'Get Started'

'Hot Spot Junkie'

'Got It Bad'

'Around The World'


'Retail Therapy'

'At The Edge'


'Hard Times'


'I Believe'


'Wot We Do'

'I Take You'

'The Lie'

'Big Noize'

Audio samples Dedicated To Chaos can be heard at this location.

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