MOONSPELL's Fernando Ribeiro On Next Album - "We Believe It To Be One Of The Finest Jewels We Have Ever Written"

June 27, 2011, 13 years ago

hot flashes news moonspell

Fernando Ribeiro, frontman and vocalist of Portuguese metal act MOONSPELL, has issued a lengthy band update. A couple of excerpts follow:

"We might appear silent sometimes but it's just that we have our souls and attentions very focused on two main things in this time period: our summer festival tour and our new album.

Some news and reflections about both:

Summer festivals... so far, so good! We just came back from yet another fantastic reception at the great Graspop festival in Dessel, Belgium. It was the fifth time we were graced with an invitation to play and the Marquee 1 was the perfect stage and atmosphere to deliver what we called a "vintage" set comprised only of WOLFHEART and IRRELIGIOUS songs. For us and for the crowd was quite of a powerfully atmospheric communion and our hearts were filled when we came offstage. It was great to meet so many friends from other bandas (CRADLE OF FILTH, LACUNA COIL, AMORPHIS, TRYPTIKON), and sometimes it felt we were on a high school meeting, not able to give a step without bumping into a hug or someone to greet.

We also watched great sets by Cradle, ARCH ENEMY, WHITESNAKE and a even greater JUDAS PRIEST! But unfortunately we had to miss Tryptikon but I am sure our paths will cross very soon.

New album... I know we are being a bitch with not giving any solid news regarding this new one but we do have the feeling that most of the bands give it all on the net, spoiling any possible romance, seduction game which is essential for a Moonspell record. So it's not that we don't want to be generous to our fans, it's just that we don't want to lose any impact on this one as we believe it to be one of the finest jewels we have ever written.

Nevertheless, there's some stuff I can say about the album. It's initials are A.N., and we refer to it as such while working on it. Revealing the title now would be premature. The record is coming out on 2012 (first trimester) but through which label we still do not know as we are now an unsigned band, financing from our own pocket our new album and all that it involves.

We will produce the album ourselves but we are working with two producers and friends that are helping out the final shape of the album.

One is Benny Richter, who works with bands such as CALIBAN, but whose musical vision and classical training and fresh ideas (he is quite younger than us, a first time for us eheh) are bringing a great added atmosphere and freshness into the record. We are working with Benny for two and a half years now and in July we will have a final round at the ludus for the more atmospheric songs of the album.

The other person is already well-known for us, he is Tue Madsen, who worked with us on Under Satanae and Night Eternal.

The drums for A.N. are already recorded at the Antfarm studios in Aarhus, Denmark and Tue is coming to Portugal to setup the rest of the instruments and he will be our choice to mix the album which will only happen in September. The record is tentatively divided in two parts (A.N./O.W.) and drums' second session will happen very soon in Berlin, Germany. The rest of the record will be done in Portugal, at our own revamped Inferno Studios, and the mixes will be Antfarm as stated.

We will keep you informed about this one trying not to loose any of its original secrecy, mysticism and strength. This is a very important card for Moonspell and all our fans and we will not give hand and spoil the mood. Anyway, here's a pic from the A.N. drum session in Denmark's finest studio: Antfarm."

Further updates to follow.

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