THE RODS Frontman Talks Normal Eight Hour A Day Jobs

June 27, 2011, 13 years ago

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THE RODS frontman David “Rock” Feinstein, while in Glasgow for the first time since 1982 when The Rods supported IRON MAIDEN, was interviewed by Michael of EspyRock. During the chat David spoke about their split stating, “Yeah you know how a lot of bands have bad vibes and nasty situations, it wasn’t like that at all for us, we just needed to get away for a little bit, away from the music business for a while period. We had a lot of tough breaks with the business part of the music business with management, record labels and the whole thing and we just got soured on the whole thing so we just figured we need to get away from it and do some different things and that’s basically what we did.”

While during that period off for The Rods, David “Rock” Feinstein recorded and released solo material, this was all before he took his turn at learning and working some normal every day eight hour jobs in order to experience something other than music, “Well you know I wanted to, myself, experience some different types of jobs because I had only been a musician as I grew up, throughout school and then I was in RONNIE’s [JAMES DIO] band and it became my profession; I never really did anything else, I never had a regular eight hour a day job. I wanted to learn some different things so I learned carpentry, I learned masonry, and I worked for the Environmental Conservation Department as I’m interested in the outdoors. I did a number of different jobs and then I had the opportunity to get into the restaurant business so I got into that, which I still have and I’ve been doing that.”

Speaking about his return to music David states that being involved in music is something you can get away from, but sooner or later that feeling will come back, “I think being a musician, being involved in music, is something that’s inside you. You can get away from it for a while but sooner or later it’s going to come back and it may not come back in the form of being a musician or playing, it may come back that you’re involved in the music industry whether you’re a producer or a manager or you might work for a record label or management firm, some music related thing, it’s not always musician. For me I had done all these jobs and learned all these things you know and I had my own business which was paying my bills but I just had this urge to write songs and this urge to play my guitar and that’s how it came about.”

The full interview is available here.

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