Singer Tom Araya Says SLAYER's Shelf Life Is "Forever"

July 26, 2011, 12 years ago

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Chris Cope from AOL Music UK spoke with SLAYER frontman Tom Araya recently about a number of topics. A few excerpts from the chat follow:

AOL Music UK: How long do you think Slayer's shelf life is?

Araya: "Now? Forever. We don't even have to be around, and Slayer will still be around. After 30 years of doing this, I think we're a staple - we're that stain on the carpet that ain't coming off!"

AOL Music UK: So would you call yourself veterans?

Araya: "After 30 years, yeah. It's a long time -- we've overlapped at least two or three generations. That's a lot. And to me, that shows staying power. No-one's going to forget about us. And there's always kids that are going to discover Slayer - 'Dude, check this out, woah!' - and then they go back and find the back catalogue, kind of what I would do."

AOL Music UK: Do you think this kind of music is immortal?

Araya: "I think if the band is good and the music is good, all music is like that. There's always going to be someone listening to it, and then there's going to be that one person that discovers it. They never discover the s----- bands, they discover the good bands. That's how it was with me -- I was introduced to ZEPPELIN and SABBATH, and that was at an early age, in the early '70s. It was good music, good songs."

Read the entire interview here.

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