Scott "Wino" Weinrich's PREMONITION 13 Release Video, Schedule Tour

August 24, 2011, 12 years ago

hot flashes news premonition

By now, the musical exploits of Scott "Wino" Weinrich are the stuff of legend... THE OBSESSED, SAINT VITUS, SPIRIT CARAVAN, THE HIDDEN HAND, SHRINEBUILDER and his recent acoustic outing, ADRIFT.

Wino's latest project, PREMONITION 13, sees him plugged back in-both to his amplifier and the full-band format. Premonition 13's first proper full length, simply titled 13, recently came out via Volcom Entertainment and the band will be supporting the release with touring (dates below). The band is also releasing a video, 'La Hechicera de la Jeringa', compiled from Super 8 footage from a band member's acid trip at a Mayan temple, an old Spanish documentary on the Mayan pyramids, and live footage. You can check out the video below:

Premonition 13 is a musical entity that finds its genesis in jam sessions dating back two decades, when Wino first met fellow guitarist Jim Karow and the two bonded over conversations about magnetism and a common love of Mesoamerican and ancient cultures. And so what started as a series of informal jams out at Karow's spread in the high California desert-a place once inhabited by Brave New World author and LSD enthusiast Aldous Huxley - eventually became songwriting sessions. Premonition 13 was formed after Wino and Karow enlisted the talents of OSTINATO drummer Matthew Clark and former MEATJACK bassist Brian Daniloski. Recorded at RTX guitarist Brian McKinley's unnamed studio in Costa Mesa, California, Premonition 13's debut sees Wino venturing into territories both new and familiar.

Premonition 13 tour dates:


6 - Seattle, WA - El Corazon*
7 - Bellingham, WA - Shakedown*
8 - Portland, OR - Fall Into Darkness Fest*
9 - Arcata, CA - Alibi*
10 - San Francisco, CA - Elbo Room*
11 - Los Angeles, CA - Handbag Factory*


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