TODD KERNS On New SLASH Song 'Halo' - "It'll Rip The Roof Off"

November 30, 2011, 12 years ago

news todd kerns rock hard slash

TODD KERNS - bassist for SLASH, vocalist and guitarist for SIN CITY SINNERS - issued his latest blog earlier today, an excerpt follows:

"2011 has certainly been a wild ride and it ain’t over yet.

I’m back in LA, two weeks or so into the second chapter of the new Slash record. The first three songs we did some time ago are recorded, mixed and mastered.

'Bad Rain' is a sexy drop D number with me on 8 string bass and squawking along with Mr Kennedy. 'Standing In The Sun' crept up from behind to be my favourite of the three and if you’re gonna listen to 'Halo' make sure you have your home insurance paid up cuz it’ll rip the roof off. All of these will be out into the public consciousness in the spring of 2012.

Myles is out with ALTER BRIDGE tearing up the UK right now so the 3 Amigos - Slash, Fizt and Dammit are hard at it. Yes I misspelled Fitz on purpose. We call him Fizt as in Fist with a Z. I don’t know why. Slash’s tech, Jim Survis named him that.

Anyway, the three of us with our producer, the uber talented Eric Valentine, have been chipping away at a whole batch of new songs. We plan to record somewhere in the area of 15 songs and chip it back to about 12 for the CD. The extras will end up as b-sides somewhere."

To read Todd's blog in its entirety, click here.

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